Time Management:
Consider a Month-at-a-Glance Calendar. Record dates for all quizzes, tests, assignments, etc.
Create a weekly priority list. List the things you want and need to accomplish before the week begins, including specific pages that need to be read or chapters that need to be reviewed.
Create a study plan: Set specific times to study. Study for the more difficult classes first. Space out your study sessions. It is more effective to study one subject for an hour over 3 days than 3 hours in one evening.
Group Study:
Study as a group can serve as a way to share resources and materials as well as a way to clarify understanding. Teaching others can be the most effective way of learning and mastering information.
Study Tips:
Study and prepare the same way you will be tested. Ex: Use your notes for multiple choice, matching, and definitions and create flashcard or a practice test. If it is a written exam, create an essay outline or write out key points your instructor informed you would be on the exam.
Engage your senses when study. Ex. Read definitions out loud. Use colors to categorize. Point out the parts as you study anatomical models.
Communicate with your instructors. It is important to check in with your teachers when new material or assignments have been introduced and to ask for clarification about concepts that are unclear.
Questions to ask yourself: What are the most significant things you learned during the session? What remains uppermost in your mind? Is there anything you are not understanding?
Strategies for Student Success by Rogue Community College
Academic Study Skills by Mohave Community College
Don't Google it, GATOR it!
By searching the Learning Commons catalog, you can be assured that your are finding scholarly resources.
How to determine if your research is valid:
Author - Who are they? Are they well known in their field?
Audience - Who is the information written for? Vets, students, pet owners?
Publisher or Journal Type - Aim for academic, peer viewed journals. Examples: Veterinary and Animal Science, Journal of Veterinary Science. Ask a librarian if you aren't sure.
Context - Can you tell if the research was paid for by a third party and might be biased?
Citations - By checking how many times an article has been cited to support someone's research will give you a good idea of it is a valid article.
Evidence - Does the evidence within the source and the conclusion drawn make sense?
Date - Generally, sources written within 5-10 years are acceptable. Check with your instructors about appropriate timeframes.