Systematic information will continue to be found in Bergey's Manual Of Systematic Bacteriology, with the Determinative manual serving as a reference to aid in the identification of unknown bacteria. This edition is intended solely for the identification of those bacteria that have been described and cultured.
Includes introductory chapters on classification of prokaryotes, the concept of bacterial species, numerical and polyphasic taxonomy, bacterial nomenclature and the etymology of prokaryotic names, nucleic acid probes and their application in environmental microbiology, culture collections, and the intellectual property of prokaryotes. The first Road Map to the prokaryotes is included as well as an overview of the phylogenetic backbone and taxonomic framework for prokaryotic systematics.
This reference answers the most important questions that form the foundation of Microbiology within 6 laminated pages. Carry this core material in a handy format to use beyond the course and into higher level and career courses, then even further into your working life as a refresher. With many diagrams in a small package, you will not need to crack the textbook to review. Suggested uses: o Students - especially relevant for those majoring in science or a health care related field o Quick Reference - instead of digging into the textbook to find a core answer you need while studying, use the guide to reinforce quickly and repeatedly o Memory - refreshing your memory repeatedly is a foundation of studying, have the core answers handy so you can focus on understanding the concepts o Test Prep - no student should be cramming, but if you are, there is no better tool for that final review
The 11th edition of the Manual of Clinical Microbiology continues to set the standard for state-of-the-science laboratory practices as the most authoritative reference in the field of clinical microbiology. This new edition presents the numerous microbial taxonomic changes and newer more powerful diagnostic approaches that have been developed since publication of the 10th edition. A collaborative team of editors and authors from around the world, all experienced practitioners, researchers, or public health experts, revised the Manual to include the latest applications of genomics and proteomics, producing an authoritative work of two volumes filled with current findings regarding infectious agents, leading-edge diagnostic methods, laboratory practices, and safety guidelines.
At the turn of the twentieth century, Frederick Novy was the leader among a new breed of full-time bacteriologists at American medical schools. Although historians have examined bacteriologic work done in American health department laboratories, there has been little examination of similar work completed within U.S. medical schools during this period. In Frederick Novy and the Development of Bacteriology in Medicine, medical historian, medical researcher, and clinician Powel H. Kazanjian uses Novy's archived letters, laboratory notebooks, lecture notes, and published works to examine medical research and educational activities at the University of Michigan and other key medical schools during a formative period in modern medical science.
This is a collection of twenty different articles from across the globe divided into four basic themes of microbial fertilisers, microbial metabolites, microbes in health and microbial fuels. The first chapter discusses removal of undesirable compounds from soil by a process called rhizoremediation. Sustainability of the ecosystem is greatly needed, which is pertinently covered in the first sub-theme of this volume. The second sub-theme of this collection focuses on diverse types of microbial metabolites with chapters on biosurfactants, carotenoids, organic acids, antibiotics and biosensors, each of which is important and significant in its own way. The third sub-theme of the book is enriched by a discussion on microbes in health with four chapters, each explaining probiotics, direct fed microbials (DFMs), the role of microbes in the production of vaccines, and survival mechanisms of human pathogenic fungi. The chapter on probiotics elucidates the role of microbiota in development of the immune system and their influence on the development of atopic conditions. Finally, the importance of probiotics as a simple but powerful tool that may influence human health by modulating the microbiota is introduced. In the review on DFMs, dissemination and efficacy of Bacillus direct-fed microbial candidates in the gastrointestinal tract of broiler chickens and their effect on health and performance parameters in different poultry diets is discussed as well. Next in this book, vaccines are analyzed, which have reduced the harmful impact of pathogenic microbes on human life. A discussion about long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFAs), such as the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) that provide significant health benefits is introduced. LC-PUFAs can be recovered from many marine organisms, transgenic plants, fungi and many microorganisms, but the largest amount is currently extracted from fish. Finally, biological fuels like biodiesel and bioethanol, which can be generated by efficient utilization of the biotransforming ability of various microorganisms such as microalgae, cyanobacteria and yeasts, are covered in the fourth sub-theme of this volume with six engrossing chapters. One of the chapters discusses the use of waste water for growth of microalgae. Integration of waste water treatment with microalgae performs nutrient incorporation to algal biomass, and waste water remediation as additional benefit are also presented. Thus, the dual-process system provides the potential for energy and effective waste water treatment at lower costs compared to chemical treatment methods.
A rich array of methods and discussions of productive microbial processes. Reviews of the newest techniques, approaches, and options in the use of microorganisms and other cell culture systems for the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, industrial enzymes and proteins, foods and beverages, fuels and fine chemicals, and other products. Focuses on the latest advances and findings on the current state of the art and science and features a new section on the microbial production of biofuels and fine chemicals, as well as a stronger emphasis on mammalian cell culture methods. Covers new methods that enhance the capacity of microbes used for a wide range of purposes, from winemaking to pharmaceuticals to bioremediation, at volumes from micro- to industrial scale.
The authors of this book discuss the most recent advancements in food microbiology research. Chapters include a review on the factors which help to choose the conditions that assure food microbial stability and contribute to food safety and quality; an examination of the prevalence of one of the most important food-borne pathogens, L. monocytogenes, particularly in fruits and vegetables; emerging bacteria detection methods in food and culture media using mass spectrometry (MS); detection techniques of Salmonella, of which infections from animal food play an important role in public health and particularly in food safety; and case studies of yeasts in fruit wine fermentations, which can have important implications for developing fruit wine and can contribute to an important advancements in any fermentation products.
Several books on different topics like food microbiology, industrial microbiology, soil microbiology, biological nitrogen fixation and molecular biotechnology are available in universities/ research institutes which deals with specified topic. But a textbook on general microbiology written by an Indian author covering all the topics at one spot is scarcely available in the market. The undergraduate students and students preparing for competitive examinations have to consult books of foreign authors. These books are quite bulky and difficult to understand. There is a dire need of a textbook that can cover all the topics to avoid unnecessary exercise and utilize energy in a fruitful manner. The present book extensively embodies different topics like history, cell structure, microbial growth, bacterial classification, soil microbiology, food microbiology, fermentation, waste recycling and biotechnology. It is hoped that this compilation should serve as a torch bearer for undergraduate students who have meek knowledge of microbes.