Sociology courses are available at many NTCC campuses, or online, depending on the course.
This timely resource, written by a team of authors who are working at the forefront of the public sociology movement, provides a contemporary analysis of public sociology. The book highlights a variety of ways in which sociology brings about social change in community settings, assists nonprofit and social service organizations in their work, and influences policy at the local, regional, and national levels. The book also spotlights sociology that informs the general public on key policy issues through media and creates research centers that develop and carry out collaborative research.
Foundations of Couples, Marriage, and Family Counseling A newly updated and practical approach to marriage, couples, and family counseling Now in its second edition, Foundations of Couples, Marriage, and Family Counseling delivers a comprehensive treatment of current theory, research, and real-life practice in family therapy. The text is fully aligned with the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) and Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education (COAMFTE). It covers foundational and advanced topics of critical importance to student counselors and therapists seeking to work in family settings, including sexuality, trauma, divorce, domestic violence, addictions, filial play therapy, and the positioning of culture and context in family therapy. The new edition includes updated content in each chapter and entirely new chapters on assessments and helping families mitigate, adapt, and transition during crisis. This important book: Covers the basic knowledge and skills essential to students and practitioners of couples and family therapy Details the history, concepts, and techniques associated with crucial theories, and includes a new chapter on the most up to date assessment strategies Tackles contemporary issues and interventions in trauma, divorce, domestic violence, sexuality, and more At once comprehensive and concise, the Second Edition of Foundations of Couples, Marriage, and Family Counseling offers readers a guide to the complex and interconnected concepts required to support a full understanding of couples and family therapy.
The Sociology of Sport has grown since its inception in the late 1950s and has become robust, and diverse. Many countries now boast strong scholars in the field and this volume reflects the fascinating research being done. This innovative volume is dedicated to a review of the state of the area by region, and country in some cases. For instance, Latin America is expanding widely in the field, and Korea and Japan have had vibrant Sociology of Sport communities for some time.
After World War II, Hollywood's "social problem films"--tackling topical issues that included racism, crime, mental illness, and drug abuse--were hits with critics and general moviegoers alike. In an era of film famed for its reliance on pop psychology, these movies were a form of popular sociology, bringing the academic discipline's concerns to a much broader audience. Sociology on Film examines how the postwar "problem film" translated contemporary policy debates and intellectual discussions into cinematic form in order to become one of the preeminent genres of prestige drama. Chris Cagle chronicles how these movies were often politically fractious, the work of progressive directors and screenwriters who drew scrutiny from the House Un-American Activities Committee. Yet he also proposes that the genre helped to construct an abstract discourse of "society" that served to unify a middlebrow American audience. As he considers the many forms of print media that served to inspire social problem films, including journalism, realist novels, and sociological texts, Cagle also explores their distinctive cinematic aesthetics. Through a close analysis of films like Gentleman's Agreement, The Lost Weekend, and Intruder in the Dust, he presents a compelling case that the visual style of these films was intimately connected to their more expressly political and sociological aspirations. Sociology on Film demonstrates how the social problem picture both shaped and reflected the middle-class viewer's national self-image, making a lasting impact on Hollywood's aesthetic direction.
Sociology is the systematic study of the taken-for-granted assumptions that people make about everyday life. This book explores a triumvirate of important concepts in sociology: power, trust and globalisation. These concepts and examples need to be studied so assumptions masquerading as "fact" can be debunked by critical sociological questioning. We explore domains such as politics and government, health and community care as well as global financial issues, which are all centrally relevant issues in modern Sociology.
This timely resource, written by a team of authors who are working at the forefront of the public sociology movement, provides a contemporary analysis of public sociology. The book highlights a variety of ways in which sociology brings about social change in community settings, assists nonprofit and social service organizations in their work, and influences policy at the local, regional, and national levels. The book also spotlights sociology that informs the general public on key policy issues through media and creates research centers that develop and carry out collaborative research.
Foundations of Couples, Marriage, and Family Counseling A newly updated and practical approach to marriage, couples, and family counseling Now in its second edition, Foundations of Couples, Marriage, and Family Counseling delivers a comprehensive treatment of current theory, research, and real-life practice in family therapy. The text is fully aligned with the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) and Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education (COAMFTE). It covers foundational and advanced topics of critical importance to student counselors and therapists seeking to work in family settings, including sexuality, trauma, divorce, domestic violence, addictions, filial play therapy, and the positioning of culture and context in family therapy. The new edition includes updated content in each chapter and entirely new chapters on assessments and helping families mitigate, adapt, and transition during crisis. This important book: Covers the basic knowledge and skills essential to students and practitioners of couples and family therapy Details the history, concepts, and techniques associated with crucial theories, and includes a new chapter on the most up to date assessment strategies Tackles contemporary issues and interventions in trauma, divorce, domestic violence, sexuality, and more At once comprehensive and concise, the Second Edition of Foundations of Couples, Marriage, and Family Counseling offers readers a guide to the complex and interconnected concepts required to support a full understanding of couples and family therapy.
The Sociology of Sport has grown since its inception in the late 1950s and has become robust, and diverse. Many countries now boast strong scholars in the field and this volume reflects the fascinating research being done. This innovative volume is dedicated to a review of the state of the area by region, and country in some cases. For instance, Latin America is expanding widely in the field, and Korea and Japan have had vibrant Sociology of Sport communities for some time.
After World War II, Hollywood's "social problem films"--tackling topical issues that included racism, crime, mental illness, and drug abuse--were hits with critics and general moviegoers alike. In an era of film famed for its reliance on pop psychology, these movies were a form of popular sociology, bringing the academic discipline's concerns to a much broader audience. Sociology on Film examines how the postwar "problem film" translated contemporary policy debates and intellectual discussions into cinematic form in order to become one of the preeminent genres of prestige drama. Chris Cagle chronicles how these movies were often politically fractious, the work of progressive directors and screenwriters who drew scrutiny from the House Un-American Activities Committee. Yet he also proposes that the genre helped to construct an abstract discourse of "society" that served to unify a middlebrow American audience. As he considers the many forms of print media that served to inspire social problem films, including journalism, realist novels, and sociological texts, Cagle also explores their distinctive cinematic aesthetics. Through a close analysis of films like Gentleman's Agreement, The Lost Weekend, and Intruder in the Dust, he presents a compelling case that the visual style of these films was intimately connected to their more expressly political and sociological aspirations. Sociology on Film demonstrates how the social problem picture both shaped and reflected the middle-class viewer's national self-image, making a lasting impact on Hollywood's aesthetic direction.
Sociology is the systematic study of the taken-for-granted assumptions that people make about everyday life. This book explores a triumvirate of important concepts in sociology: power, trust and globalisation. These concepts and examples need to be studied so assumptions masquerading as "fact" can be debunked by critical sociological questioning. We explore domains such as politics and government, health and community care as well as global financial issues, which are all centrally relevant issues in modern Sociology.
This timely resource, written by a team of authors who are working at the forefront of the public sociology movement, provides a contemporary analysis of public sociology. The book highlights a variety of ways in which sociology brings about social change in community settings, assists nonprofit and social service organizations in their work, and influences policy at the local, regional, and national levels. The book also spotlights sociology that informs the general public on key policy issues through media and creates research centers that develop and carry out collaborative research.