Economics, History, Political Science, Sociology, Statistics, African American Studies
Covering historically significant figures to present-day newsmakers , while offering authoritative reference content alongside magazine and journal articles, primary sources, videos, audio podcasts, and images.
Containing bibliographic records from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Library, and provides access to millions of citations that are comprised of journals, book chapters, etc., relating to agriculture.
Basic skills improvement in reading, writing, math, and basic sciences and test preparation for academic and career testing features a new tutorial and test-preparation platform.
This database provides access to leading full-text journals covering relevant aspects of the scientific and technical community. Designed to meet any researcher's needs by covering an array of disciplines.
Researchers can quickly and easily search full-text documents from over 15,000 credible sources of information and pinpoint relevant information for a wide range of academic research projects.
What are Open Educational Resources?
Open Educational Resources, or OERs, are freely accessible and openly licensed texts or other digital assets. LCTCS faculty are currently working on creating OER courses to help reduce the financial burden for students by replacing traditional textbooks with quality OERs. This will also help students be better prepared for their courses from Day One, as their resources will be freely available online.