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Maritime Technology

International Maritime Standards


International Maritime Organization - United Nations (IMO)
You must first register and create a free log in, but this website has a lot of information.  Included in this website are IMO Documents, the Global Integrated Shipping Information System, news and much more.

  • Marine Safety: Includes links to many standards and regulations
  • Maritime Security:
  • Marine Environment: including topics like pollution prevention, pollution response, ballast water management, etc.
  • Legal Affairs: regulations covering liability and compensation for damage, such as pollution, caused by ships.
  • Human Element: Focuses on the human side of shipping - the people involved in every aspect of ship safety and prevention of marine pollution, from seafarers to ship operators to port state control officers.
  • Facilitation: Information relating to IMO's work at the ship-port interface, including standardisation and harmonisation of procedures as well as security issues.
  • Technical Cooperation: Information on IMO's Technical Co-operation Programme which is designed to assist Governments which lack the technical knowledge and resources that are needed to operate a shipping industry successfully.

UN Convention on the Law of the Sea
International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)

Federal Maritime Standards


Admiralty and Maritime Law Guide: includes over 1,500 annotated links to admiralty law resources on the Internet and a growing database of admiralty case digests, opinions and international maritime conventions.

Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)

Code of Federal Regulations
Title 29 is OSHA   
Title 33 is Navigation and Navigable Waters
Title 40 is EPA
Title 46 is Shipping