What are Open Educational Resources?

Open Educational Resources, or OERs, are freely accessible and openly licensed texts or other digital assets. LCTCS faculty are currently working on creating OER courses to help reduce the financial burden for students by replacing traditional textbooks with quality OERs. This will also help students be better prepared for their courses from Day One, as their resources will be freely available online

Helpful OER Information:

A Basic Guide to Open Education Resources (OER)

Guidelines for Open Educational Resources (OER) in Higher Education

Open Education Group OER Research Toolkit


Contact the Librarians

Open Access Now Available


How Faculty can use OERs

 "OER Curriculum Development" by Baruch College Center for Teaching and Learning is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0


"Why Open Education Matters" by Ope Bukola is licensed under CC BY 4.0

Open Education Resources


OERs at Northshore:

Faculty Group Picture

Shout out to NTCC Faculty Adronisha Frazier, Beth Alford, and Brandy Williams for attending the Quantitative Biology OER Workshop through NIMBios and Quantitative Biology at Community College (QB@CC) at the University of Tennessee! 

"QB@CC brings together life science and math faculty from across the country to develop a collection of OERs focused on math/quantitative skills appropriate for community college biology courses, and provide the professional development  and community support needed to incorporate quantitative/math skill in biology courses."